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Trade Blotter: What Does It Mean?<\/h2>\n

Trade Blotters are trade records and details of trades performed over a certain period (usually a single trading day). The trade details will include the time, the price, the order size, and whether the order was bought or sold. Trades are usually recorded by a trading software program that uses a data feed to create a blotter.<\/p>\n


Trading Blotter Explained<\/h3>\n

A trade blotter records trades so that a trader or brokerage firm can review and confirm them. Blotters are used in the stock, foreign exchange, and bond markets. Depending on the user’s needs, it can be customized. Futures and commodities markets also use trading blotters.<\/p>\n

Brokers typically offer their traders blotters as software programs. In a blotter, the type of security sold, the date of sale, and the amount and price of the sale or purchase are listed.\u00a0The market in which the trading took place and whether it was a buy or sell are also defined.<\/p>\n

Additionally, the blotter shows whether a trade was properly settled and if orders were entered but canceled before they were filled. On the blotter, the trader decides what data should be displayed. In case there is an issue with a trade, a broker keeps track of all transactions using a blotter.<\/p>\n

Trade Blotters: How do they work?<\/h3>\n

Trade Blotters can be used in conjunction with or instead of a trading journal for developing trading techniques and strategies. A blotter is usually used by traders to assess their performance at the end of the trading day. Sorting the blotter may require revising areas in which he or she should\u00a0 \u00a0have performed better, such as timing with entries and exits.<\/p>\n

In addition, stock exchange regulators sort the blowers to detect illegal trading. There are numerous ways to sort trade discrepancies to reveal them. Businesses use trading blotters to track their investments during a stock exchange audit. There would be a separate trade blotter for equities, and another for fixed-income securities, etc.<\/p>\n

Some portfolio managers may also show favoritism in selecting customers by using blotters. Often, they choose customer accounts with profitable trades from the blotter.\u00a0As an alternative, they desire customers who buy or sell the same security at significantly different prices.<\/p>\n

What Is Trade Blotter?<\/span><\/h2>\n

Trade Blotters (also known as deal blotters or trade blotters) record all trades made during a specified period (usually a trading day) along with their relevant details.<\/p>\n